

Kolintang Sulawesi Utara(Kolintang of North Sulawesi)
  • Manage No PI00001632
    Country Indonesia
    Year 2019-02-08
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills
Description Kolintang is a modern term for an ancient instrumental form of music played on a row of small, horizontally laid gongs that function melodically, accompanied by larger, suspended gongs and drums. As part of the larger gong-chime culture of Southeast Asia, Kolintang music ensembles have been playing for many centuries in regions of Eastern Indonesia including North Sulawesi. Kolintang evolved from a simple native signaling tradition, and developed into its present form with the incorporation of knobbed gongs from Sunda. Its’ importance stems from its association with the indigenous cultures that have inhabited these islands long before to the arrival of outside influences such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity. This makes Kolintang among the most ancient traditions of Southeast Asian ancient gong-chime ensembles.
Place File Size 2656 KB
Definition 1920 x 1080 File Format png
Copyright STUPPA Indonesia, ICHCAP Copyright

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