

Kyrgyz Daily Life
  • Manage No PI00004731
    Country Kyrgyzstan
    Year 2013-08-22
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description These photos show Kyrgyz culture and Kyrgyz life both traditional as modern. Kyrgyzs were nomads some centuries ago. Now we live in cities and villages but we don't lose our nomadic roots. Young people are in studying with interest how our ancestors lived. So we have a lot of festivals, meetings, concerts and other events in this direction. Tradidtional theme is very close to me. It has color, saturation, real life.
Photographer Erkin Bolzhurov
Place File Size 7.87MB
Definition 4500 X 2152 File Format JPG
Copyright Erkin Bolzhurov, ICHCAP Copyright

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