

Heritage of Korkyt Ata: epic culture, folk tales and music
  • Manage No PI00002456
    Country Kazakhstan
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations, Performing Arts, Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description The epic culture, folk tales and music of Korkyt Ata are based on twelve heroic legends, stories and tales and thirteen traditional musical compositions shared and transmitted across the generations through oral expressions, Performing artss, cultural codes and musical compositions. Korkyt Ata appears in each story as a legendary figure and wise individual, a sage of minstrels whose words, music and expressions of wisdom relate to traditions of birth, marriage and death. In the musical compositions, the main intonations are reproduced using a musical instrument called the Kobyz through the sounds of nature, and imitation soundscapes are characteristic of this medium (such as the imitation of a wolf’s howl or a swan’s note). The musical compositions are all interconnected by the epic stories that accompany them.
Place The main areas where Korkyt Ata's kuy traditions as well as historical information about the personality of Korkyt Ata are best safeguarded – are Kazalinsky and Karmakchi districts of Kyzylorda region. It is believed that Korkyt Ata was a native of the steppe along the Syr-Darya and his tomb is on the bank of this river at Karmakchi district of Kyzylorda region. Also, in various regions of Kazakhstan there are well-known Kobyzshi who perform Korkyt kuy: in Zhambyl, Almaty and South Kazakhstan regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty and Astana cities. File Size 211 KB
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Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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