

TheangPa (fourth tune)
  • Manage No PI00004565
    Country Myanmar
    Year 2014-02-19
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Description A good quality of bamboo was chopped during the month when bamboos were chopped and then they have to be smoked or dried or fumed or desiccated. Two bamboo pipes are inserted into the dried gourd which glue bees wax. There is a hole at the top of the dried gourd. According to the song, it has to be blown the air at the top of the dried gourd to produce song. When the instrument of Theang Pa is blown, five kinds of Theang Pa instruments which have five tunes are blown together at the same time. The instruments of Theang Pa are divided into first tune, second tune, third tune, fourth tune and fifth tune. And this is for the fourth tune. -3 feet 4 inches in length -9 inches in height
Place Mintap, Chin state File Size 280KB
Definition 1320 X 880 File Format PNG
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