

Craftsmanship of hemmed appliqué
  • Manage No PI00002275
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
Description Zeegt naamal or hemmed appliqué is a complex of diverse needlework techniques and is one of the monumental forms of needlework in Mongolia. To create hemmed appliqué, two black-and-white versions of design are prepared, while one version is cut out in detail and the other is painted with different colours. Carefully marking the details such as borders, lines and ornaments on the draft, the various silks and textiles are prepared with different sizes, colours and features of the pattern draft and following with a starch applied to each part. The cut-out draft is pasted with folded edges on the material, employing careful attention and meticulous hands. The hemmed appliqué is a creation of a meticulous team work of embroiderers each of them mastered in different techniques.
Place to be identified File Size 2324.48 KB
Definition 1644 x 2046 File Format JPG
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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