

Words of libation and anointment
  • Manage No PI00002341
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
Description The libation is a unique Mongolian custom of offering the first drops of milk or any dairy products to heaven, mother earth and spirits of mountain and water for receiving their blessings. As a tradition, the “Tsagaan Sar” festival, fire worshipping ritual, mare milking ceremony, ritual for asking quarries from a hunt, ritual for summoning prosperity and cairn-worshipping ceremony each has its own distinct verse of libation and anointment. For instance; during the celebration of the festival “Tsagaan Sar” or beginning of the spring while animals are delivering an off-springs, Mongols do the libation by milk to heaven, mother earth and spirits of mountain and water for receiving their blessing to the well growing of baby animals and more dairy products. During the libation, Mongols do say the poems of offerings to spirits and deities for asking the blessings.
Place throughout the Mongolia File Size 171008 KB
Definition 25000 x 16667 File Format JPG
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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