

Dances of the Ferghana valley
Description The roots of Ferghana dance need to be looked for in “Katta oyin”(“Big dance”), which evolved and was specifically designated for squares, and “Kichik oyin” (“Small dance”), which was performed in reception halls and courtyards. "Katta oyin" consists of actions customised to more than 280 methods. According to theme and system each dance movement has it's name and method of dance. “Kichik oyin” (“Small dance”) is mainly consist of lyric and intensive dance movements and accompanied by instrumental ensembles.The dances performed by yallachi (in particular, “Duchava”, “Yallama”, “Qorasoch”,“Qaytarma” or“Tanovar”cycle of dances)and the dances that emerged under the influence of Uighur “Andijonsamosi”dance (“Andijan polka”) and performed by young men, were especially popular in Ferghana.
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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