

2016 Field Survey Report: Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Efforts in Mongolia
  • Manage No DC00000080
    Author ICHCAP
    Published Year 2016
    Category Report
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description East Asian region is developed a rich of variety in the intangible heritage manifests, from oral traditions, performing arts, customs, and rituals to festivals, clothing, crafts, and food throughout the centuries. However, as with other counties in the Asia-Pacific region, which is a treasure house of ICH, traditional cultural heritage of East Asia was in a crisis of extinction due to shifts in industrial structures and the population outflow of younger generations to urban areas. In response, the Republic of Korea and Japan introduced the concept of intangible cultural heritage in policies related to safeguarding cultural heritage more than fifty years ago. Mongolia, with the support of its respective government, followed suit by establishing an institutional foundation for national ICH inventory making and ICH safeguarding after ratifying the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003). Moreover, in relation to ICH safeguarding activities, UNESCO Category 2 Centres, which support ICH safeguarding activities, have been simulataneously going through the establishment process in the Republic of Korea, China, and Japan. As a well-intentioned objective for the future activities, the three centres are making efforts to build a cooperative mechanism among themselves. Another effort made in the region is the establishment of the ICH safeguarding system in Mongolia. The government of Mongolia has drawn up a national ICH inventory and identified bearers as well. The countries in East Asia have been very active in safeguarding, and their participation at regional and international levels. Therefore, countries in the region need to build trust and collaborative relationships while safeguarding ICH at national, regional, and international levels. -Ratified the ICH Convention in 2006; conducted survey in 2009. -As of December 2014, has twelve ICH elements on the RL, five elements on the USL, and four accredited NGO. -In December 2012, submitted its periodic report on implementing the Convention on the status of elements inscribed on the RL to UNESCO.
Contents (Author )
Field Survey Report
I. Safeguarding System & Policy
II. Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory
III. Relevant Organizations
IV. Relevant Meetings
V. The Intangible Heritage List of UNESCO
VI. Relevant Meetings
VII. National List of intangible Cultural Heritage
VIII. Pending Issues & Current Needs
List of co-researchers

Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia