

ICH Courier Vol.28 ICH and Sacred Cultural Spaces
  • Manage No DC00000085
    Published Year 2016
    Category Journal
    Language English,Korean
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    ISSN 2092-7959
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description ICH Courier is the quarterly magazine on ICH in the Asia-Pacific region issued by ICHCAP since 2009. Every issue has its own theme under the title of the Windows to ICH, and the theme of the Vol 28 is 'ICH and Sacred Cultural Spaces.'
Contents (Author )
WHY SAFEGUARDING ICH NEEDS CODES OF ETHICS Cécile Duvelle Former Secretary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2008­–2015), UNESCO
INTEGRATING ICH IN POST-DISASTER NEEDS ASSESSMENTS: A CASE STUDY OF NAVALA VILLAGE Sipiriano Nemani Principal Policy & Conventions Officer, Department of Heritage, Fiji Akatsuki Takahashi, PhD Programme Specialist for Culture, UNESCO Office in Apia
AVANA, THE PASSAGE OF TRADITIONAL NAVIGATORS Ngatuaine Maui Director, Welfare Division, Ministry of Internal Affairs
FROM SACRED TO TRUTH Sattar Fazylovich Mazhitov Director-General, International Institute for Integration of Socio-Humanitarian Research, “Intellect Orda”
VA TEMPLE AND THE VENERATION OF THE TAN VIEN MOUNTAIN GOD Nguyen Van Huy Deputy Director, Centre for Cultural Heritage Research and Promotion Pham Kim Ngan Head of Research Department, Centre for Cultural Heritage Research and Promotion
SACRED CULTURAL SPACES OF BANGLADESH Saifur Rashid Professor of Anthropology, University of Dhaka , Dr. Saifur Rashid
THE KORYO SARAM DANCE TROUPES OF UZBEKISTAN Bongsu Jeon Project Consultant, ICHCAP , The Koryo Saram Dance Troupes of Uzbekistan
GRANDMA STORYTELLERS TRANSMIT CULTURE TO FUTURE GENERATIONS Weonjae Park Chief of the Beautiful Story-Grandma Program, Advanced Center for Korean Studies
ICH NGOs in South Asia DR. MADHURA DUTTA, Executive Director/ NIRIELLA PARAKRAMA BANDARA, Artistic/Chief Executive Director/ TULASI DIWASA, President , All India Artisans and Craftworkers Welfare Association (AIACA) , Nepali Folklore Society , Janakaraliya- Theatre of the People

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