

2021 Expert Meeting for Building Network on Maritime ICH
  • Manage No DC00000244
    Author ICHCAP
    Published Year 2021
    Category Report
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    Copyright Copyright
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Description This Book is the outcomes of the 2021 Expert Meeting for Building Network on Maritime ICH, which is held on 29 October 2021. The expert meeting was co-organized by ICHCAP and SPC under the theme of Maritime Living Heritage: Coastal Communities in the Asia-Pacific Region and Their Traditional Food System. This meeting consisted of two sessions with the different approaches to the costal communities and their traditional food system; ecocultural approach and socio-cultural approach. This book contains nine case studies of experts and scholars.
Contents (Author )
Opening Remarks for the Expert Meeting for Building Network on Maritime Intangible Cultural Heritage/ Congratulatory Remarks KEUM Gi Hyung (Director-General, ICHCAP), Nisha (Director, UNESCO Apia Office), Athena Trakadas (Co-chair, Ocean Decade Heritage Network) , ICHCAP , Keum Gi Hyung
Keynote Speech Miles Young (Director, the Human Rights and Social Development Division at the Pacific Community (SPC))
Eco-cultural Practices Related to Sustainable Food Systems in Coastal Communities in Fiji Jimaima Lako (Associate Professor, School of Applied Science, College of Engineering, Science and Technology, Fiji National University, Fiji)
Traditional Food Production and Management in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh Touhidul Islam (Researcher, Bangladesh Civil Service (Administration) Academy, Bangladesh)
Traditional Fishing Skills and Communities' Food Culture in Lingayen, Pangasinan (Philippines) Lalaine F. Magat (Researcher, School of Heritage Education, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Philippines)
Productive Safeguarding of Marine Food Materials and Foodways in Liaohekou Estuary in China Zhang Song (Director, Chinese Food and Culture Development Alliance, China)
The Ecological and Cultural Aspects of Local Foodways in Ulleung Island Sumi Nam (Researcher, Research Institute for Cultural Heritage at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea)
Ethnic Food Tradition of Kerala Fishermen Community V. Jayarajan (Chairman, Folkland, International Centre for Folklore and Culture, India)
Rethinking Food Security and Sustainability in iTaukei Coastal Communities Kolaia Raisele (Researcher, The University of the South Pacific, Fiji)
Maritime Foods of the Coastal Communities in Central Vietnam: Heritage, Values and Changes in Contemporary Context Tran Duc Anh Son (Former Vice-Director, Danang Institute for Socio-Economic Development, Vietnam)
Fishing, Housing, and Barter: A Threefold to Living Sea-Based Economy in Lamalera, Indonesia Charles Beraf (Researcher, Detukeli Research Centre, Indonesia)

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