

2018 아태지역 무형유산 NGO 컨퍼런스
  • Manage No DC00000170
    Author ICHCAP
    Published Year 2018
    Category Report
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File
Description 본 컨퍼런스는 ‘공동체의 지속가능한 발전을 위한 무형유산 NGO의 역할’을 주제로, 지속가능발전목표 달성에 기여하는 NGO 활동 사례를 공유하고, 네트워크 구축을 위해 향후 나아가야 할 방향을 함께 모색하고자 기획되었다. 유엔 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 중에서도 ‘양질의 교육(SDG 4)’과 ‘공동체(SDG 11)’의 문제를 무형유산 보호와 연결해 논의가 진행되었으며, 본 보고서는 포괄적인 관점에서 NGO 활동 사례와 사업 경험, '교육'과 '공동체'를 주제로 하는 분임토론 그리고 향후 제안에 대한 '회의 결과문서' 등 3일 간의 컨퍼런스에 대한 내용을 담고있다.
Contents (Author )
세션 1: 무형문화유산 보호를 위한 NGO의 역할 Ms. Ananya Bhattacharya, Member of Steering Committee, ICH NGO Forum (Director, Banglanatak dot com (India)), Dr. Amereswar Galla (Executive Director, International Institute for the Inclusive Museum), Mr. Hu Xiaoyu (Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage at Sun Yat-sen University, China(Ex-Director, Guangzhou Wenmu Cultural Heritage Service Center))
세션 2: 지속가능한 발전을 위한 무형문화유산 교육 Mr. Ganesh Purohit (Director, Jagran Jan Vikas Samiti, India), Ms. Sarangerel (Ichinkhorloo, Mongolian Project Manager, International Association for Falconry & Conservation of Birds of Prey), Ms. Charis Loke (Artist programmer, Arts-EDPenang(Malaysia)), Ms. Le Thi Tuan (Chief of Museology Division, Hoi An Center for Cultural Heritage Management and Preservation, Vietnam)
세션 3: 무형문화유산 보호와 공동체 활성화 Dr. Aye Aye Oo (Associated Professor, Yangon University, Myanmar), Dr. Jayarajan Vayalakara (Chairman, Folkland (India)), Dr. Joseph Lo (Curator, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, U.S.), Ms. Aqeela Bano (Manager, Aga Khan Cultural Service Pakistan), Dr. Tran Huu Son (Vice-President, Association of Vietnamese Folklorists), Dr. Tran Thuy Duong (Lecturer, Faculty of Anthropology, Vietnam National University)
Session 4: Parallel roundtables Mr. Kai-Kwong Choi (Educational Project Manager Temple Fair Culture Promotion Workers Confederation, China), Dr. Saifur Rashid (Professor of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh), Mr. Song Seng (Heritage Hub Manager, Cambodian Living Arts), Mr. Ingmar Sturm (Co-Founder, Island Ark Project Foundation), Dr. Rigzin (ChodonResearch Associate, Ladakh Arts and Media Organization, India), Mr. Won-Kyu Park (Supervisor, Cheongju Craft Biennale, Republic of Korea), Ms. Myjolynne Marie Kim (Ph.D. Candidate, Australian National University)
개회식 Mr. Kwon Huh (Director-General, ICHCAP)
Special Session: The Vitality of Nhã Nhạcafter 15 Years Acknowledged as the Representative of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity By UNESCO Dr. Phan Thanh HaiDirector (Hue Monuments Conservation Centre, Vietnam)

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