

2011-2012 IP Survey Report: Field Survey on Intellectual Property Issues in the Process of ICH Information Building and Sharing: Kazakhstan
  • Manage No DC00000045
    Author ICHCAP
    Published Year 2012
    Category Report
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description In 2011 and 2012, field surveys were conducted to examine the intellectual property issues that could arise in the process of ICH information building and sharing. The survey was conducted in eleven countries—Cook Islands, Fiji, India, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam. The purpose of the surveys was to highlight the IP-related problems that ICH-related organisations may encounter while conducting ICH information–related activities, such as identification, documentation, digitisation, etc., and promoting the groundwork for a guide to protect IP-related aspects of ICH in the process of information building and sharing.
Contents (Author )
Kazakhstan Survey Report
I. Introduction
II. ICH in Kazakhstan
III. Legislations in Kazakhstan
IV. IP Issues in Information Building and Sharing
V. Conclusion
List of co-researchers

Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage