

ICH Courier Vol.33 Village Guardian Rituals and Communities
  • Manage No DC00000094
    Published Year 2017
    Category Journal
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    ISSN 2092-7959
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description ICH Courier is the quarterly magazine on ICH in the Asia-Pacific region issued by ICHCAP since 2009. Every issue has its own theme under the title of the Windows to ICH, and the theme of the Vol 33 is 'Village Guardian Rituals and Communities.'
Contents (Author )
ICH IN ARMED CONFLICT: WHAT PROTECTION CAN INTERNATIONAL LAW CONFER? Christiane Johannot-Gradis Co-founder and Co-director, Traditions for Tomorrow
USING FOLK TRADITIONS FOR DEVELOPING INTEGRATED TRADITIONS Parakrama Niriella Artistic Director, Janakaraliya Cultural Foundation , Janakaraliya- Theatre of the People
TRADITIONAL SPRING FESTIVE RITES OF KAZAKH HORSE BREEDERS Yelena Khorosh Scientific Researcher, National Historic, Cultural and Natural Reserve-Museum, Ulytau
BORO KACHARI: A TALE OF FAITH, FEAR, DESIRE, AND THE HOLY GHOST Bhaskar Narayan Gupta Manager, banglanatak dot com
THE HARVEST FESTIVAL OF THE FOUR VILLAGES ON ISHIGAKI ISLAND, OKINAWA PREFECTURE Hitoshi Mogi Manager, Research and Training Department, National Theatre Okinawa
LHAMO’I DRUBCHEN: THE VAST ACCOMPLISHMENT OF PALDEN LHAMO (MAHA KALI) Yeshi Lendhup Librarian, National Library & Archives of Bhutan
EMPOWERING AND STRENGTHENING RURAL COMMUNITIES Shrabana Datta Consultant, Social Inclusion and Tourism , AJIYER
KOMUZ TEACHING METHODS IN FORMAL AND INFORMAL SYSTEMS IN KYRGYZSTAN Gulnara Aitpaeva Director, Aigine Cultural Research Center Aiza Abdyrakhmanova Project Coordinator, Aigine Cultural Research Center , Kyrgyz Komuz community , AIGINE CULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER, KYRGYZSTAN , Gulnara Aitpaeva
SONSOROL STATE Laura I. Miles Secretary to the SSWA, Dini Faruya Jamie Nestor Co-founder, Young Historians

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