

2019 Living Heritage Series: Traditional Food
  • Manage No DC00000115
    Published Year 2019
    Category Journal
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP, #Heritage Alive
    Copyright Copyright
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Description This book explores creative and historical traditional food of the world through the articles provided by sixteen authors from different countries. Food is a critical element in human life and is intimately linked to the history and identity of individuals and communities. Traditional food and food ways of a community, region, or an ethnic group have become unique practices through close interactions reflecting the diverse features of the community, including the natural environment, society, politics, economy, and culture. Traditional food and food ways are then firmly embedded in the community while they are transmitted, adapted, and recreated across generations. As such, traditional food is an indispensable element in communal life and is the root of life. This book presents information on ICH reflected in traditional food and allows readers to explore the intangible value of traditional food through historical backgrounds and stories concerning the food.
Contents (Author )
A Study of Socio-Cultural Meanings of Pebaek Food in Korea Semina Oh
Alpine Communities and Their Food Heritage as Intangible Cultural Heritage Valentina Lapiccirella Zingari
Bread Time Stories Andrea Sieber
Divine Food Dr. V. Jayarajan
Foodways and Folklife Dale Gilbert JarvisnTerra M. Barrett
Malakwang Okello Quinto
Persecution and Perseverance Laura López
Preparing the Good Life Janne Olsby and Marit Myrvoll
Recreating the Taste of Home Haeree Shim
Safeguarding Italian Traditional Recipes Maria Teresa ArtesenGianluigi CioccanIsabella Gagliardi
The Eldest Meal is Borsch Oleksandr ButsenkonValentyna Demian
The Masters of Ceremonial Dishes in Turkey Nihal Kadıoğlu Çevik
The Pastellessa between Music and Traditional Food Emanuela EspositonVincenzo Capuano
The Safeguarding and Diffusion of Native Traditional Foods of Baja California, Mexico Carolina Gutiérrez S.nChristine Alysse von Glascoe
Traditional Food in Syria Syria Trust for Development
Cuire la « fille des cendres » Amina LaghidinAhmed Skounti
Epilogue Dr. Seong-Yong Park

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