

Regional Collaboration for Safeguarding ICH in Asia and the Pacific: Tasks and Strategies
  • Manage No DC00000126
    Published Year 2011
    Category Report
    Language English,Korean
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description This report publication is a collection of the discussion papers presented on 28 November 2011 at the International Conference on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage under the theme ‘Regional Collaboration for Safeguarding ICH in Asia and the Pacific: Tasks and Strategies’, which was held in commemoration of ICHCAP’s inauguration. The conference provided an opportunity to look into the current ICH status and environment of the five sub-regions within the Asia-Pacific region and to seek measures to overcome the many different challenges involved with ICH safeguarding.
Contents (Author )
Regional Collaboration for Safeguarding ICH in the Asia-Pacific Region: Tasks and Prospects Dawnhee YIM (Distinguished Professor, Dongguk University)
Safeguarding ICH in Central Asia: Overview and Perspectives Sergey LAZAREV (Director, UNESCO Office in Almaty)
Discussion 1 Assel UTEGENOVA (Secretary-General, National Commission of Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO), Shahin MUSTAFAYEV (Director, International Institute for Central Asian Studies), Shahlo Abdurahimova (Secretary-General, Tajikistan National Commission for UNESCO)
Regional Collaboration for Safeguarding ICH: Overview, Tasks, and Strategies with Special Reference to India, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives Shubha CHAUDHURI Secretary-General Executive Director American Institute of Indian Studies Shubha CHAUDHURI (Secretary-General Executive Director, American Institute of Indian Studies)
Discussion 2 Sudha GOPALAKRISHNAN (Executive Director, Sahapedia), Khalid JAVAID (Executive Director, National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage Pakistan), Yonten DARGYE (Chief Research Officer, Research and Media Division, Department of Culture National Library and Archives)
Regional Collaboration for ICH Safeguarding in the Asia-Pacific Context: Overview, Tasks, and Strategies in the Pacific Region Akatsuki TAKAHASHI (Programme Specialist for Culture UNESCO Office in Apia)
Discussion 3 Adi Meretui RATUNABUABUA (Principal Cultural Development Officer Ministry of Education National Heritage & Culture & Arts, Youth & Sports)
"Regional Collaboration for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-East Asia: Overview, Tasks and Strategies" Tim Curtis (Head of Culture Unit UNESCO Bangkok office)
Discussion 4 Thi Minh Ly LE (Director, The Center for Research and Promotion of the Cultural Heritage Vietnam Association for Cultural Heritage), Jesus Tamayo PERALTA (Consultant, National Commission for Culture and the Arts)
"Regional Collaboration for Safeguarding ICH in the Asia-Pacific Context: Overview, Tasks, and Strategies in North-East Asia" Abhimanyu SINGH (Director UNESCO Office in Beijing)
Discussion 5 Weonmo PARK (Chief, Information & Research Section ICHCAP), Tomoaki FUJII (Director-General, IRCI), Zhi YANG (Director-General, CRIHAP)
Appendix: Rapporteur's Report/ Summary of Conference/ Paritipants' Profile

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