

Pacific-ICHCAP Cooperative Workshop on Digitizing ICH-Related Audio-Visual Materials
  • Manage No DC00000155
    Author ICHCAP
    Published Year 2017
    Category Report
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description ICHCAP, with the support of the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea and the cooperation of the Fiji National Museum and Yap State Historic Preservation Office of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), hosted the four-day Pacific-ICHCAP Cooperative Workshop on Digitizing ICH-Related Audio-Visual Materials in various locations in Jeonju and Seoul. The workshop was organized to explore methods and technologies involved with digitizing analogue audiovisual resources related to intangible cultural heritage, with emphasis on Pacific art and traditions so that it can be approached and enjoyed around the world. This publication includes the nine paper presentations as well as transcripts of the speeches and information related to the field visits.
Contents (Author )
Opening Session
Introduction to ICH and Relevant Institutions of the Federated States of Micronesia Mr. Francis L Re (Head of Yap State Historic Preservation Office, Federated States of Micronesia)
Project on Digitizing Analogue Materials and Future Plans for Conservation in the YSHPO Mr. Sebastian G.F. Tamagken (Chief, Media & Protocol Division, Federated States of Micronesia)
Introduction to ICH and Relevant Institutions of Fiji Mr. Ratu Jone Balenaivalu (Head of Collections Department, Fiji Museum)
Project on Digitizing Analogue Materials and Future Plans for the Conservation in the Fiji Museum Mr. Jeremaia Veisa (Officer, Collections Department, Fiji Museum)
Cooperative Efforts towards the Digitization of Audiovisual Material on ICH in the Asia Pacific Region Mr. Sun-Bok CHOI (Section Chief, Information and Research Section, ICHCAP)
Strategies for Digitizing and Preserving Audio-Visual Records at the National Archives of Korea Mr. Sang Kook KIM (Deputy Director, Records Preservation & Restoration Center, National Archives of Korea)
Boosting and Promoting Korea Film Archive’s Activities Mr. KIM Bong-Young (Director, Department of Planning and Administration, Korean Film Archive)
Cases of Digitizing Korean ICH Analogue Audiovisual Materials Ms. Minsun SONG (Senior Researcher, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)

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