

2017 Sub-Regional Meeting for ICH Safeguarding in Southeast Asia
  • Manage No DC00000156
    Author ICHCAP
    Published Year 2017
    Category Report
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description The 2016 Sub-Regional Meeting for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding in Southeast Asia: Enhancing Viablity in Intangible Cultural Heritage Community, jointly organized by ICHCAP and George Town World Heritage Incorporated, was held on 18 and 19 September 2017 in George Town, Penang Malaysia. This report is composed of twenty presentation papers delivered at the meeting by national representatives, NGOs, UNESCO Office in Bangkok, and facilitators of UNESCO Capacity Building Workshop. In addition, the outcome document of the meeting is also affixed to put it on record the adopted recommendations of the participants in moving forward together.
Contents (Author )
Keynote Speech 1:UNESCO Efforts Towards Integrated Approaches in Safeguarding Tangible and Intangible Cultral Heritage Duong Bich Hanh (Programme Specialist and Chief of Culture Unit, UNESCO Bangkok)
Keynote Speech 2: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage to Strengthen Community Viability and Resilience Frank Proschan (Facilitator, UNESCO Capacity Building Workshop)
Session 1: How to Apply Integrated Approach in ICH Safeguarding Rahul Goswani (Faciliator, UNESCO Capacity Building Workshop), NormaA. Respicio (Professorial Lecturer, Art Studies Department, University of the Philippines), Ir. Asfarinal (Executive Director, Jaringan Kota Pusaka Indonesia (Indonesian Heritage Cities Network)), LêThị MinhLý (Director, Center for Research and Promotion of Cultural Heritage (CCH), Vietnam Association for Cultural Heritage), Ang Ming Chee (General Manager, George Town World Heritage Incorporated)
Session 2: What Is The Role Of The Community In ICH Safeguarding? Khalid bin Syed Ali (Director, ICH Division, The Department of National Heritage Malaysia), Seng Song (Heritage Hub Manager, Cambodian Living Arts), Tara Gujadhur (Co‐Director, Traditional Arts and Ethnology Center), Nang Nyunt May (Director, Pa‐Oh Literature and Culture Organization), Angela Srisomwongwathana (Co‐Founder, The Little People in Conservation Group), Seok‐je Lee (Secretary General, Inter‐City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network (ICCN))
Session 3: Sustainable Development and ICH Safeguarding on the Grassroots level Suzanne Ogge (Consultant, UNESCO Culture Sector, ICH Section), Janet Pillai (Founder, Arts‐ED), Martin Genodepa (Assistant Professor, Division of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas)

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