

Health Care as Heritage: An Etic Approach of Inscribed Elements on the Lists of the UNESCO ICH Convention
  • Manage No DI00000287
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Ahmed Skounti
    Published Year 2019
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description The scope of intangible cultural heritage related to human well-being is large. Many cultural practices, if not the majority of them, were designed by communities, groups and individuals for well-being purposes, be it physical or mental. Such practices are also intended to ensure the con-tinuity of the society over time and to maintain social order. According to Napier, those practices related to human body and soul are embodied in cultural systems of value (Napier 2014) that overwhelm them. The representations of those two components of the human being, body and soul, are tightly linked in traditional cultures. Thus, many cultural practices were designed for the well-being of both of them. They also mix therapies intended to bring about the relief of each and/or both.

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