

Traditional Medicine in Syria: Knowledge, Beliefs & Experiences
  • Manage No DI00000293
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Reme Sakr
    Published Year 2019
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description Since ancient times, Syrians have practised traditional medicine just as many eastern and western civilizations have, where common natu-ral ingredients—such as tea and opium in the east and tobacco, coffee and wine in the west—were used in traditional methods for healing ailments and diseases. Traditional therapies used in Syria include plant- and animal-based therapies, leech therapy, cupping, cauteriza-tion and others. Today, traditional medicine is practised by all Syrian communities, where traditions and beliefs vary among different governorates and areas. There are literally hundreds of traditional healing methods still practiced in Syria today.

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