

Regional Collaboration for ICH Safeguarding in the Asia-Pacific Context: Overview, Tasks, and Strategies in the Pacific Region
  • Manage No DI00000680
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Akatsuki TAKAHASHI (Programme Specialist for Culture UNESCO Office in Apia)
    Published Year 2011
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description This paper begins with illustrating the vulnerability and resilience of Pacific island countries (PICs) to put intangible cultural heritage (ICH) safeguarding in a broader context of sustainable development for the Pacific region. The paper first presents a summarised history of the Pacific World Heritage Programme and the progress of its implementation since the adoption of the World Heritage Convention in 1972. It then outlines the development of the Pacific ICH Programme since the preparatory phase of the ICH Convention, adopted in 2003, to the organisation of multi-stakeholder consultations in seven PICs in 2010 and 2011. The paper identifies two tasks: i) organisation of consultations on ICH safeguarding and ii) elaboration of a mid-term strategy for ICH safeguarding in the Pacific. As a conclusion, the paper presents a strategy to focus on the contribution of Pacific ICH to the achievements of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other internationally agreed goals such as Education for All (EFA). The paper argues that this could be done by building upon on-going good practices and by strategically highlighting the central role of ICH in achieving sustainable development of communities.

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