

Challenges and Future Efforts of Government Institutions in Involving Communities to Safeguard Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Maldives
  • Manage No DI00000895
    Country Maldives
    Author Hawwa Nazla Zubair
    Published Year 2017
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description This research explores the challenges faced by the government institutions in intangible cultural heritage (ICH) safeguarding and the future efforts government institutions can facilitate in involving communities in this process. The study addresses the lack of research done on ICH of the Maldives. Building on current debates regarding government and community roles, this research explores the partnership governments and communities can have in ICH safeguarding. The research is done in the context of the Maldives. The study is conducted from a constructivist ontological stance coupled with an interpretivist epistemology. A set of three semi-structured interviews to senior officials were conducted in three institutions working on ICH safeguarding. Three additional interviews were conducted to gain feedback on the study’s topic from individuals who have expertise in the field of ICH. Data were analyzed using a priori and data driven coding following King’s (2004) template analysis method

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