

Networking and Information sharing on ICH among the Cultural Institutions in Bhutan
  • Manage No DI00000896
    Country Bhutan
    Author Yeshi Lhendup
    Published Year 2017
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Harmony, social cohesion, integrity, peace and tranquility and unity are; all outcome of good social networking system with core human value. And negative impacts are also inevitable if it is the organization’s aim and objective. But, information-sharing is the fundamental prerequisite for the aforementioned subject as it is a key ingredient for organizations seeking to remain competitive and dynamic. Ever since the human beings had entered the threshold of civilization, the tradition of networking had evolved simultaneously. The historical records explicitly exhibit unbelievable information of both tangible and intangible records. For example; tangible cultural heritage– the figures of the Seven Wonders of the World and the intangible accounts- the imperial figures, legends and myths living even today are the outcome of social networking system. Had there been no networking system, there may not be anything recorded at present but, unless someone has extraordinary capabilities or god-like strength and power.

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