

6. Developing Best Practice for Online Delivery of Ethnomusicological Recordings: Anecdotes from the British Library
  • Manage No DI00001180
    Country United Kingdom
    Author Dr Janet Topp Fargion (British Library Sound Archive)
    Published Year 2013
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description While recording and performance copyrights on some of the recordings has expired, the underlying works recorded in most cases fall into the categories of intangible cultural heritage featuring traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) not normally covered by legal copyright frameworks. With the growing interest among indigenous and traditional communities around the world in cultural reclamation and increased awareness among these communities of their cultural documents held in museums, libraries, and archives sometimes thousands of miles away, new frameworks for dealing with the unique intellectual property challenges these documents raise are required. This paper will describe the learning curve and outcomes of attempts at the BL to establish such workable frameworks and methods for legal and ethical inclusion of a large body of material for worldwide distribution on the BL Sounds website. The paper offers anecdotal reports and ideas for the development of best practice for dealing with intellectual property in this context.
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