

Statement Regarding the Shaman Heritage in South-East Asia
  • Manage No DI00001238
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Heo Yong-ho (Professor, Department of General Education, Dongguk University)
    Published Year 2013
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Discussion on “Indigenous and Other Ritual Specialists in the Philippines - Culture Change” Dr. Jesus T. Peralta’s presentation is based on the Pagdiwata Ritual of the Tagbanwa tribe of Palaan, the house blessing ritual of the Kaling family, and the harvest ritual of the Ipugao tribe. Through this presentation, though indirectly, I experienced the precedures, principal agent, and the characteristics of these three rituals. I’d like to know more about the details of the rituals themselves (the alcoholic drink used in the Pagdiwata ritual, the nature of the chicks sacrificed, etc) but I’ll check more about them on my own time. I’d like to ask two questions. As we can see in the title, the paper focuses on “Culture Change,” and my questions pertain to this subject.

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