

Deciphering Food Preservation as a Storage Technique through Purumenth, a Goan Customary Tradition
  • Manage No DI00001322
    Country India
    Author Siddhi Potdar (Heritage Project Manager, Domum & K.Unwalla Architects, Mumbai Researcher, Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad)
    Published Year 2022
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description One of the largest and earliest flows of culinary cultures and fresh produce to the Indian subcontinent emanated from Portugal. The Portuguese were ardent sailors. Their expeditions to voyage, discover, and conquer brought Western foods to the Eastern world. The Portuguese contributed foods that are now staples in the Indian diet. Goa became the chosen land as the local inhabitants were regular pork consumers, like these visiting sailors. This points to the influence in terms of food and consumerism by colonialists and settlers. The Goan cuisine has been shaped through these assimilations; the story is quintessential to the culinary history of the land.

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