

중국 랴오허강 하구의 해양 식재료 및 민속음식 풍습의 생산적 보호
  • Manage No DI00001198
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author 장 송 (대표, 중국식량발전연맹, 중국)
    Published Year 2021
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (KOR)
Description As one of the four major estuarine deltas in China, Liaohekou Estuary Delta enjoys a geographical environment surrounding both river and sea, a coastline constantly advancing towards the ocean and the unique estuarine natural resources, all of which have given birth to the distinctive regional culture of Liaohekou Estuary. The marine regression feature of “abundant water, no mountains and few trees, with weeds, ponds and tidal creeks spreading all over” and a system of interwoven cultural forms such as “sailing boats, wetlands, fishing-geese, influx of river and sea, fishing and gathering,” make the culture of Liaohekou Estuary region distinctive. The special geographical conditions and natural ecological environment bred the regional culture of Liaohekou Estuary, as well as a community of Guyuyan or “old fishing-geese” with very special livelihoods. Over hundreds of years, the culture and traditions of Liaohekou Estuary have developed into a special field of knowledge, and the regional food culture, which is based on the knowledge of the special marine food materials of Liaohekou Estuary, is particularly unique.

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