

  • Manage No DI00000161
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Zhanerke Naurzbaevna Shaygozova Lecturer, Kazakh National Pedagogical University Named After Abai Madina Sultanova Lecturer, Kazakh National Pedagogical University Named After Abai
    Published Year 2014
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Kazakh ceramic art is as old as Kazakh history itself. Excavation sites of early and medieval nomadic cultures include many pottery traditions that mark historical milestones of the Great Steppe. The most ancient forms of ceramics found in the region correspond to similar pieces found all over the world. Researchers believe that the first pottery traditions were introduced during the Indo-Iranian (Aryan) era of nomadic cattlemen, which is associated with the Andronovo culture of the fifteenth to eighth centuries BCE. In medieval times, the increased demand for ceramics was linked to thriving medieval Silk Road townships. Though there are similarities with many other Eurasian schools of ceramic art, each area presents its own unique pieces that carry distinctive characteristics.

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