

Parameters of Collecting Data for ICH Information Systems
  • Manage No DI00000635
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Jesus T. Peralta (Consultant, National Commission for Culture and the Arts)
    Published Year 2012
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description Measures taken in identifying the initial Philippine nomination to UNESCO on the first proclamation of Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity were based on the contingency and the availability of comprehensive information. Subsequent formulations on the collection of data were based principally on the identification of ICH that is evolving and/or devolving but still viable. Focus is made on the ICH processes that are still viable within the culture of the practicing societies. This is made possible by the fact that domestic and political institutional structures maintain much of what were in traditional cultural heritage, that were not affected by the introduction of world religions that have altered beliefs and values systems. The complication is that there are more than eighty ethno-linguistic groups in the country from which inventories will emanate.Finally, the manner by which the collection of information is organised along the lines of the structure of Philippine societies, from the municipal level uploaded to the provincial level, then to the relevant national cultural agencies; and finally to the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, that will maintain the national registry. Both literature search and primary field research will constitute the methods in data collection.To manifest the processes of identifying and collecting data for ICH inventory undertaking by the Philippines since the year 2000 is best described by :i)the initial emergency measures taken by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) in identifying the initial nominations of ICH to UNESCO by the Philippines in the year 2000; ii)from the initial experience above, the formulation of the subsequent action plan for the ICH programme of identification and collection; and iii) the methodology of identification and collection.

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