

ICH Safeguarding and Utilisation through ICH Information
  • Manage No DI00000639
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Gaura Mancacaritadipura (Vice-Chairman, Indonesian National Kris Secretariat)
    Published Year 2012
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description Information is considered a safeguarding measure in the 2003 UNESCO Convention. The word ‘information’ is found several times in the text of the 2003 Convention. States Parties are required to provide information regarding programmes of inventory of ICH in their territories1. States Parties to the Convention are required to endeavour, by all appropriate means, to ‘ensure recognition of, respect for, and enhancement of the intangible cultural heritage in society, in particular through: …educational, awareness-raising and information programmes, aimed at the general public, in particular young people’.2 Educational, information, and awareness-raising programmes are herein identified as tools for ensuring the recognition of, respect for, and enhancement of ICH in society to be directed towards the general public, in particularly young people. That the younger generation be able to access information on ICH is essential to ensure ICH transmission for the ongoing safeguarding of ICH. This reference highlights the relation between information programmes and awareness-raising and educational programmes. Obviously awareness raising or educational programmes cannot be carried out without materials based on appropriate information on ICH.

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