

Enhancing Regional and Sub-regional Collaboration among ICH Stakeholders
  • Manage No DI00000641
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Akatsuki Takahashi, PhD (Programme Specialist for Culture UNESCO Office for the Pacific States)
    Published Year 2012
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description This paper aims at providing a basis for discussion on how to enhance regional and sub-regional collaboration among ICH stakeholders. The paper begins with identifying ICH stakeholders at local and national levels, and then looks at ICH stakeholders at sub-regional and regional levels. Sub-regional integration bodies in Asia and the Pacific region are introduced as potential partners for ICH safeguarding, while specific functions assigned to three Category II Centres in the field of ICH established in the region are highlighted for the sake of clarification. Based on that, the paper suggests three actions with a view to enhancing regional and sub-regional collaboration among ICH stakeholders; i) set clear goals and results to be achieved within the framework of global vision, ii) formulate a strategy and action plan, and iii) ensure monitoring and evaluation. Most of the examples used in this paper are taken from the Pacific region with which the author is familiar.

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