

Sustainability and Cultural Diversity in Safeguarding ICH: Tools and Perspectives
  • Manage No DI00000651
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Peter SEITEL (Senior Folklorist Emeritus, Smithsonian Institution)
    Published Year 2012
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description The primary value of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) lies in its ability to create locally based knowledge that performers, practitioners, and other participants use to contemplate, understand, and act upon their lives. Its scope is utilitarian as well as spiritual, ethical as well as aesthetic. Through ICH, local participants realise a wide range of benefits—ranging from practical techniques to affirmations of individual identity and group solidarity. National cultural institutions that programmatically recognise this value develop policy both to help safeguard local ICH and to promote cultural diversity, an ethical and political principle that recognises the creativity, beauty, wisdom, and legitimacy of the variety of human cultures. Cultural diversity at a national level can help safeguard local practices of ICH.

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