

Geometric Documentation of Heritage and CIPA's Role
  • Manage No DI00000817
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Andreas Georgopoulos (President of ICOMOS CIPA* Professor, Director of the Lab of Photogrammetry at the National Technical University of Athens)
    Published Year 2020
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Taking care of mankind’s cultural heritage is an obligation to us and to our future generations. Cultural heritage, tangible or intangible, is recognized by all civilized countries of the world as the most important carrier of historic memory for mankind. It bears the historic passage of our ancestors from this world and signifies the evolution of humanity through the ages. Hence, it is a carrier of historic memory for all mankind and an ark of national and global civilization. Cultural heritage implies the monuments, but also every kind of document or evidence of civilization. It may be distinguished as tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Tangible heritage means all built heritage, including various artefacts. On the other hand, intangible cultural heritage includes all traditions, songs, poems, legends, handicraft, recipes, music, dances, etc. One cannot enjoy and appreciate tangible heritage without its connection to intangible heritage—they go hand in hand. An ancient temple means nothing without the knowledge of the rituals that were going on there. Hence, both must be protected together.

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