

8. Safeguarding the Zampogna between Tradition and Innovation
  • Manage No DI00001156
    Country Italy
    Author Antonietta Caccia (The Cultural Association Circolo della Zampogna)
    Published Year 2021
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description The article refers to the safeguarding process of the musical instrument called zampogna in the experience of the NGO Cultural Association, Circolo della Zampogna (from here on referred to as Circolo). According to benevolent observers, this constitutes one of the most active and successful in this field (Bini 2017) even if it must be said that others have been carried out since the 1970s and more recently. The first and most important safeguarding activity, however, is that carried out by those who have continued to make and play this bagpipe even in the years of profound socio-economic and cultural changes, which, since the second half of the last century, occurred in its world of belonging. Without forgetting that even the members and supporters of the Circolo, spread in almost all the Italian regions and in various foreign countries, have played a significant role by contributing with their dissemination and promotion to strengtha the community’s awareness towards this element of its heritage. To all of them go all our admiration and our most sincere thanks

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