

Traditional Fishing Skills and Communities' Food Culture in Lingayen, Pangasinan (Philippines)
  • Manage No DI00001197
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Lalaine F. Magat (Researcher, School of Heritage Education, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Philippines)
    Published Year 2021
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description The kalukor fishing method or beach seine was practiced in the 1970s by fisherfolks that live along a stretch of the Lingayen Gulf in Pangasinan, Philippines. It started with only two units of fisherfolks who introduced it in the coastal area. The livelihood available in this coastal community has always been fishing and the production of related fish products that are prepared traditionally. The fishermen and their able family members that mostly include their kin and fisherfolk neighbors embark each day at 2:00 a.m. to undertake a traditional seine fishing method locally called kalukor. A boat will cast out connected ropes and nets off shore and set a V-shaped seine one-hectare area in the sea. The net is pulled down vertically with weights attached to its bottom while objects are placed on the net’s top edge to let it float. The seine net ends are pulled strategically by two groups holding ropes until seine reaches the shore, bringing in a fish catch. The duration of this process, with guidance of a boatman who signals the group when to pull increasingly to achieve balance to contain fish and other marine varieties, takes three to four hours to see net pouch with the fish catch reaching the shoreline. Presently, there are more than ten beach seines taking turns, lining up the stretch of the gulf in a day of fishing. The nature of Lingayen Gulf having a soft-bottom bed makes near shore seine fishing more appropriate. The fishing infrastructure that fisherfolks employ is a safer method and regulated by the municipal office to preserve marine ecological niches.

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