

The Ecological and Cultural Aspects of Local Foodways in Ulleung Island
  • Manage No DI00001199
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Sumi Nam (Researcher, Research Institute for Cultural Heritage at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea)
    Published Year 2021
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Ulleung Island is a volcanic island, located in the middle of the East Seaand the seventh-largest island (72.94 km²) of Korea, with a population of around 9,000 (as of July 2021). It is accessible only by taking a ferry, which takes about three hours from the peninsula. It makes the island isolated with unique social, ecological, and biocultural systems like the Galapagos Islands. These systems link people to their environment at the intersection of nature and culture and have created distinctive local foodways. Lately, Ulleung Island has become a trending touristic destination among Koreans and along with advanced transportation, the island is facing social and cultural changes in every aspect of the people’s lives. In this paper, I would like to share my observations from field research.

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