

Keynote Paper: NGOs and the Implementation of the 2003 Convention: Roles and Challenges
  • Manage No DI00001216
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Tim CURTIS
    Published Year 2014
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description This talk will present an overview of the roles of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of the 2003 Convention. It will also point to some challenges without necessarily pointing to solutions. However, we can at least set some stages for discussion over the next couple of days. For those who are very ICH focused, here is some background information to situate the 2003 Convention in the broader, normative work that we do for UNESCO. As the only United Nations (UN) agency with a specific mandate to promote creativity and safeguard the world’s diverse cultural heritage, UNESCO has developed six main culture conventions and a number of declarations and recommendations as standard-setting instruments to work in the field. A 1951 convention on copyright was actually the first UNESCO culture convention, but it left UNESCO to go to the care of WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization.

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