

Discussion on the Shaman Heritage in South West Asia
  • Manage No DI00001242
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Kim Yong-goo (Deputy Director National Intangible Heritage Centre)
    Published Year 2013
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Before the discussion, we must define the term 'shamanism cultural heritage'. Shamanism cultural heritage must not be confused with shamanism itself. We should understand it to be 'intangible cultural heritage related to shamanism' or 'intangible cultural heritage related to shamans'. According to the UNESCO Agreement on Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection's definitions of intangible cultural heritage, shamanism heritage is defined as 'groups, communities, or individuals related to shamans or shamanism and their practices, representation, expressions, knowledge, and functions and related tools, objects, artifacts, and cultural spaces. The protection of shamanism must consider human rights, diversity of cultures, and sustainable development.

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