

Discussion 1
  • Manage No DI00001245
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Assel UTEGENOVA (Secretary-General, National Commission of Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO), Shahin MUSTAFAYEV (Director, International Institute for Central Asian Studies), Shahlo Abdurahimova (Secretary-General, Tajikistan National Commission for UNESCO)
    Published Year 2011
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description The Central Asian region is a unique area where centuries-old civilisations, religions, and cultures have intersected. The region’s ICH provides the basis for historical self-identification of the people that inhabit the region, and this ICH has influence on their future spiritual development. The ancestral heritage is intertwined in a vast cultural material, which reveals itself in folklore, legends, festivals, and games; in the rules and norms of social behaviour; in music, songs, and dances; and in national costumes as well as in decorative and applied arts and crafts.

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