

Opening Remarks/ Congratulatory Remarks/ A brief note from the editor
  • Manage No DI00001259
    Country Republic of Korea
    Published Year 2020
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description Digital documentation, heritage safeguarding, and tangible and intangible heritage are important keywords of this international seminar, “Protecting the Past for the Future: Digital Documentation as One of the Imperative Tools for Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage.” The seminar was significant in that a world-class expert organization such as ICOMOS, a leading educational institution such as KAIST, and ICHCAP joined together to find interconnections among different fields of thought. I think that this is a significant and timely opportunity to see how the perspective of each area transforms, grows, and becomes viably comprehensive through collaborative exchange of approaches and solutions.

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