

Community-based Inventories of ICH “Ecosystems” Using Photovoice and Arches
  • Manage No DI00001260
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Angela M. Labrador (ICOMOS ICICH Managing Partner, Coherit Associates)
    Published Year 2020
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Inventories are a fundamental tool for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage (ICH). In its “Guidance Note for Inventorying ICH,” UNESCO reiterates the importance of community participation in the inventorying process. In other words, ICH inventories must go beyond mere documentation of specific elements by experts and instead enable a collaborative process whereby the information gathered assists with keeping the ICH meaningful and viable for associated communities. Digital media offers exciting opportunities for engaging communities in ICH inventory processes, as well as in modeling information in ways that help heritage professionals, advocates, and practitioners gain a more nuanced view of an element’s viability. In this paper I present two digital tools, Photovoice and Arches, that can assist community-based inventories to identify and document the complex cultural “ecosystem” that ICH lives through.

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