

Opening Session
  • Manage No DI00001263
    Country Republic of Korea
    Published Year 2017
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description I would like to begin by extending a warm welcome to Francis REG, Head of Yap Historic Preservation Office, Federated States of Micronesia; Ratu Jone Naucabalavu BALENAIVALU, Senior Administration Officer of the Collections Team, Fiji Museum; Lynda Dee TELLAMES, Staff Historian of the Bureau of Cultural & Historical Preservation, Palau; and other esteemed guests who have come all the way from the Pacific to Korea for this workshop. I also express my heartfelt gratitude to Sang Kook KIM, Deputy Director at the Records Preservation & Restoration Center, National Archives of Korea; Bong-young KIM, Director of the Department of Planning and Administration, Korean Film Archive; and Minsun SONG, Senior Researcher at the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage; and all the other presenters here today.

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