

Forging the Jewel in the Crown: India’s Jewelry Making Traditions
  • Manage No DI00001281
    Country India
    Author Bharvi Chheda (Research Assistant, Center for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University)
    Published Year 2022
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description The tradition of jewelry making in India began with the prehistoric factories of the Harappan civilization which produced metal and bead jewelry and has continued unbroken over five thousand years in the continuity of its form, technique, and symbolism. Some of the earliest excavations of bead and stone factories have uncovered evidence of sophisticated tools like burins, scrapers, cylindrical drills, and micro-drills used to drill holes in beads and etch designs on precious and semiprecious stones. These beads, along with sheet gold and gold wire twisted into intricate earrings, necklaces, bangles, waistbands, and more, represent the humble beginnings of the Indian jewelry tradition. Jewelry has since been used to demonstrate affection, status, power, and skill.

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