

The Kirin Lion Dance Bringing Peace and Happiness
  • Manage No DI00000646
    Country Japan
    Author Nakamura Yae Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies College of Japanese Studies Division of Integrated Japanese Studies
    Published Year 2021
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description The lion dance is a performance art known throughout East Asia, in which practitioners wear lion masks. It is thought that the lion dance was introduced in Japan as a religious play together with Buddhism in the seventh century. The dance tells the story of a lion with magical powers that played a role in expelling evil from the path on which the spirits travel. Today, it is a much-loved performance used to celebrate auspicious occasions, to bring peace, happiness, health, and long life. It is also commonly performed in New Year celebrations and festivals. Several entertaining performance groups traveled around performing the lion dance during the Edo period, which gave momentum to the spread of the dance all over the country. The dance is light and has strong recreational characteristics including acrobatic elements.

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