

Mui Tsz Lam - Hakka Rice Dumplings
Description “Hakka” means “guest people” in Chinese. A group of Hakka settled in Mui Tsz Lam, a village in North-East New Territories in Hong Kong, in the 17th Century during the Qing Dynasty. The Hakka are known for being hardworking and enduring. Since they farmed on less fertile terraces, their food grown is modest and practical. This culture is also reflected in festive foods like rice dumplings for the Tuen Ng Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival. Making and eating rice dumplings is an essential part of the Tuen Ng Festival. The festival is associated the patriotic poet and politician Qu Yuan in the 3rd Century BC, who committed suicide at the river. After his death, people made rice dumplings and threw them into the river and played drums on the dragon boat, hoping that the fish would not eat Qu Yuan’s body. At present times, people still make rice dumplings every Tuen Ng festival as a tradition, with different recipes passed on in different areas. The Hakka recipe is modest and simple, which utilizes almost all home grown produce, which includes bamboo leaves, sticky rice, peanuts, shallots, and dried shrimp. After many years of desolation since the 1970s, Mui Tsz Lam villagers come back to their home village to make rice dumplings together for the first time. The instructions to make a Hakka rice dumpling are as follows: 1. Preparing ingredients: Soak bamboo leaves and sticky rice overnight, and dried shrimps for 15 minutes. When bamboo leaves are soft, clean and cut the top and bottom of bamboo leaves. 2. Chopping and crushing: Mince the soaked dried shrimps, shallots. Crush peanuts and remove skin. 3. Frying the filling: Fry the dried shrimps, shallots and peanuts, first separately then together. Set the filling aside. 4. Wrapping the dumpling: With 1 bamboo leaf, place a layer of stick rice and a layer of filling, then another layer of sticky rice. Cover the layers with the same piece of bamboo leaf. Turn the dumpling aside and use another piece of bamboo leaf to wrap the side. Do the same for the other side, and the dumpling should be completely wrapped by 3 bamboo leaves. Tie up the dumpling with strings or grass. 5. Cooking: Boil the dumpling for 3 hours before eating.
Manage No VI00000353 Running Time 9:20
Country China
ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills, Others
Videos Photographer Charles Wong Year 2021-10-21
Place Soutern China, filmed in Mui Tsz Lam, Hong Kong File Size 6.93GB
Definition 2k File Format
Copyright Charles Wong Copyright

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