

Kayaw Playing Bamboo Harp with Singing
Description It is made of the hard bamboo which can be got from a long distance. Kayans cut the grain of bamboo into a thin layers and dry it in the air for making the sound string. There are eight bamboo strings in the instrument. This instrument is made by themselves. The player holds the bamboo harp by his hands and plays by his right and left fingers. In playing, the player plays and sings the lyrics and words of the song. When they go courting, they sing and play music to each other, composing their feeling and how they love. There are group songs. Since yore, this harp has been preserved and handed down from generation to generation as a traditional heritage. There is no exact record in what year and era it appeared. -30.5 cm in the length of the first string -33.4 cm in the length of the second string -37.1 cm in the length of the third string -39.6 cm in the length of the fourth string -42.2 cm in the length of the fifth string -43.5 cm in the length of the sixth string -49 cm in the length of the seventh string -52 cm in the length of the eighth string -2 cm in The distance of the string -The length of the bamboo harp is 72.5 cm -The circumference of the harp is 44 cm
Manage No VI00000412 Running Time 7:23
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-07-05
Place Hoyardiyar Village, Demawso Township, Loikaw District, Kayah State File Size 0.99GB
Definition 1980x1080 File Format mp4
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