

ThinTo (bamboo harp)
Description Mjaun bamboo is chopped during the month when bamboos are chopped and they had to be smoked or dried fumed or desiccated. Bamboo is peeled to get double layers that is outer layer and inner layer like as a bamboo chip or bamboo fiber. Then they have to be made flawless and smooth. The small blocks of bamboo are placed under them to strike as key. The inner layer produces the original key. Long ago it made with eight strings of bamboo and it composed of four bass vocal cords. Five rhythm vocal cords. Nowadays, guitar string is put on it instead of bamboo string. There is put on it because of guitar string. -11 inches in diameter -3 inches in Girth
Manage No VI00000518 Running Time 9:12
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-06-14
Place Mrauk-U, Rakhine state File Size 1.24GB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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