

Lesu Pharumuti dried gourd
Description A bamboo is cut into necessary length to make three flutes. Then, make a hole on each flute with burnt iron stick. After that, a reed is put in each flute to make better sound. Three flutes are tied together. A hole is made on the dried gourd to house these flutes in it. Last of all, seal the joint hole with beeswax. This instrument is played by blowing into the hold atop the gourd and by opening and closing the holes on the flutes with fingers. -1 feet and five inches in length of gourd flute -6.5 inches in high of the gourd -8 inches in circumference of the gourd
Manage No VI00000672 Running Time 1:33
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-07-15
Place Kyaine Tone Township, Shan state File Size 215MB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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