

China - Rebagu
Description ‘Reba’ means ‘wandering performer’ in the Zang language, and Rebagu is a traditional dance which used to be performed by Zang folk performers. It used to be called ‘bell dance’ in the past as the male dancers used bells, while women mostly used drums. The dancers hold the drum in the left hand and a long drumstick in the right. The most common moves consist of turning left and right and flipping around to hit the drum and rotating the body while holding the drum and drumstick to the crown of the head. Most ordinary people are not able to follow these moves as the beat is very fast while the angle of movement when bending the torso back and forth is too large. Bending the waist or back is a characteristic move in the ethnic dances of Tibet. Rebagu was originally a totem dance of the primitive Bon religion of the Zang. It developed by absorbing influences from other religions, culture and folk art, to become a proud symbol of the ancient art of the Zang. Rebagu is now a representative dance of not just the Zang people but the whole of China, of well recognized artistic and research value. Characteristics: ∙Makes use of a small drum with bells (bell drum) Performed by Yanbian Heumjung Dance Company Directed by Kim Yeong-hwa Choreographed by Kim Yeong-hwa
Manage No VI00000802 Running Time 5:05
Country China
ICH Domain Performing Arts
Videos Photographer Asia Dance Culture Institute Year Aug 27, 2017
Place Republic of Korea File Size N/A
Definition N/A File Format N/A
Copyright Asia Dance Culture Institute Copyright

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