

China - Hyeonja Dance
Description Xuanzi Dance is performed at gatherings such as holiday celebrations and weddings in regions populated by the Zang people such as the Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. Everyone participates in this communal dance, coming into a large circle. Xuanzi dance is an expression of the unique sentiments and emotions of the Zang, passed down over generations and recognized as the pinnacle of traditional Zang dances. Xuanzi dance is characterized by the four qualities of lightness, softness, bouncing and spontaneity. The dancers keep bouncing up and down on their knees throughout the dance. The movements of the upper body include flailing the arms while wearing the traditional long-sleeved costume of the Zangs, waving the sleeves, covering the arms with the sleeves and throwing the sleeves. These movements create the elegant and beautiful lines of Xuanzi. The line is a crucial element in Chinese aesthetics and the aesthetics of Chinese dance. This aesthetic of lines is clearly visible in Xuanzi dance. Characteristics: ∙Waving or shaking arms while wearing traditional costumes with long sleeves ∙Light, soft and relaxed movements Performed by Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Region Ethnic Dance Company Directed by Liu lifu
Manage No VI00000807 Running Time 3:05
Country China
ICH Domain Performing Arts
Videos Photographer Asia Dance Culture Institute Year Nov 21, 2011
Place Republic of Korea File Size N/A
Definition N/A File Format N/A
Copyright Asia Dance Culture Institute Copyright

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