

Rawan Htu Hta Yaja (Middle hole flute)
Description Once, there was no instrument to play for Rawan ethinicity. One bored a hole on human bone and blown. After that they found that it produced scale so they started using to play .Later it is made bamboo. They use to play it happily when their crops ripe. It is played for Rawan ethinicities festivals. Awai bamboo is cut and the middles potion is bored with knife. Both dried bamboo and fresh bamboo can be used. Air from the lung has to be blown by force and hole has to be pressed with thumb to be made opening and closing to produce tuning. It can be blown all kinds of melodies. -2 feet 0.5 inches in Length -11.5 inches in Length of air hole -2.5 inches in Girth
Manage No VI00000400 Running Time 0:43
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-08-20
Place Putao Township, Kachin state File Size 100MB
Definition 1980x1080 File Format mp4
Copyright Copyright

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